Monday, July 23, 2007

Martha Stewart Halloween Line

Have you seen the new Martha Stewart line for Halloween?
Check it out here and here .

It looks so nice. I just love LOOKING at all this stuff.

But REALLY! Would I use it? I don't know about you but other than a few scrapbook pages I don't stamp or create too much at Halloween.

What would I use all this stuff for? I don't believe that we Canadians "celebrate" Halloween as much as Americans do. Do you?

If all this was available at your Michaels would you buy it? What would you use it for?

I guess because my kids are older (12 & 14) and starting to lose interest in Halloween (other than the candy) I'm starting to feel the same way.

Last year I made one of those ghost sucker pots with the little kiss treat holders (see below) but I don't really have any plans to make anything decorative for Halloween this year nor send any Halloween cards.

Don't get me wrong. I'll still drag out the cemetary and outdoor decorations for our little neighbourhood treat or trickers but decorating the inside of the house and making cards - no I don't think so.

I'd rather spend the time making my Christmas cards! Now that's a holiday I still celebrate with full force!

I can't believe I'm posting about Halloween and Christmas already AND did you see that Walmart already has back to school stuff in!

No wonder I feel like time is speeding by...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Marie needs...

I saw this on Emily's blog. It's so funny I just had to try it.

All you do is type your name and then "needs" into the google search bar. Then write down the top 10 things.

Here's what Marie needs...

1. Marie needs your help

2. Marie needs lots of patience

3. Marie needs red bull

4. Marie needs a boyfriend

5. Marie needs to give the NDP the boot

6. Marie needs to get a better hairstyle

7. Marie: kind of crunchy needs milk

8. Marie still needs a home

That's all I found before it became too dilluted. I thought some of these were hillarious!

I especially like the boyfriend part - more like sugar daddy!

If you try it please add a link so we can all have a good laugh!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


After I posted the photo of my newly framed painting I realized that it didn't look that big.

It's amazing how deceptive photos can be.

So from now on, where appropriate, I'm going to include a point of reference like a penny, a ruler or even a body to give my photos a better perspective.

Here is that photo again but this time I asked my 5'6" daughter to stand in front of the fireplace.

I'm ok with the size of it now and have started taking a closer look at some of our other artwork to be reframed.


This is a whole new area of where I can spend more money. Not sure I want to go there.